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History of the Lemgo D- and z-value Database for food (LDzBase)

The table below gives an overview about the versions of the LDzBase. Since Version 2.0 data are added continuously.
SELECT DISTINCT name, date, dvalues, envirenmentalconditions, species, changes FROM version_history ORDER BY name;
Version Date of
D-values Environmental conditions Species New in this version
Version 1.0 April 2010 ~5000 ~2200 ~135 First published version
Version 1.1 November 2011 ~6000 ~2700 ~138 1000 new D-values
Introduction of history page
LDzBase is now part of the ILT.NRW
Version 2.0 April 2023 ~6100 ~2750 ~138 Reengeniered Database engine
Start continuous data entry
Introduction of release date and doi-Links
   © Thomas Althoff, 2006, Knut Schwarzer, 2007 - 2023