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The Lemgo D- and z-value Database for Food (LDz-base) is a project of the Institute for Life Science Technologies (ILT.NRW) at the OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
The database has been made possible throughout the cooperation of the following laboratories:
  • Laboratory of Process Engineering (Prof. Müller)
    In 2006 the project was launched by Thomas Althoff writing his diploma thesis. In 2007 MA Knut Schwarzer, scientific officer assumes responsibility. In the meantime two co-workers are involved in adding new D-values.
    The Laboratory of Process Engineering has distinguished itself in the area of sterilization for a long time.
  • Laboratory of Beverage Technology (Prof. Schneider)
    Prof. Schneider gave great input according our first focal point, microorganisms damaging beverages. Stefan Bethke encloses big parts of his diploma thesis to the datapool of the catalog.
  • Laboratory of Microbiology (Prof. Becker)
    Prof. Becker helped a lot with her knowledge in microbiology and thermal sterilization. Some D-values were determined or reviewed in this laboratory.
This project was internal funded by the OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts
   © Thomas Althoff, 2006, Knut Schwarzer, 2007 - 2023