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Welcome to the Lemgo D- and z-value Database for Food 2.0

The Lemgo D- and z-value Database for food is a project of the Institute for Food Technology.NRW (ILT.NRW) at the OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts. More information about the involved departments you can find here.
While installing a new food product line you always have to put a lot of effort in research finding the right parameters for sterilization of the ingredients or of the final product. Although in literature a lot of data are available in a certain case it is difficult to find matching D-values.
In this database you will find the parameters needed to design your pasteurization or sterilization project. While we are collecting all sorts of D- and z-values describing the characteristics of thermal death, at the moment our main focus is on beverage spoiling microorganisms. With each D-value you will find information about parameters known to have an effect on these like pH-, Brix- and aw-value. The data are sorted by the species of microorganism and their medium.
To complete our product additional information e.g. about the experiments the data was derived from or cluster of relevant data are given. Using this information you not only have the opportunity to optimize parameters of your current workflow, but you can estimate how your workflow will react to changes in certain parameter.
If you are interested in older versions of the Database have a look in our history.
   © Thomas Althoff, 2006, Knut Schwarzer, 2007 - 2023